MEJ: My Entrepreneurship Journey
Lifuo Makhele engages in intimate conversations with entrepreneurs in Africa and beyond to learn about their entrepreneurial journeys. You will hear about their sapience, fearlessness, their perseverance and resilience. In each episode, these leaders share their personal entrepreneurship paths that were not easy but ultimately led to success, sometimes failure. All lessons.
MEJ: My Entrepreneurship Journey
Sukume: Vuyelwa Nyakaza
Sukume is an economic development company involved in Trade, Investment and Consulting in Africa. Sukume focuses on SME Development, Intra-African Trade and Place/ Country Branding. Their customers include African economic development agencies, businesses, brands and places/ countries. Sukume works to boost their global competitiveness for socio-economic transformation.
Sukume creates platforms to promote Made by African SME brands. They build awareness and facilitates trade and investment for African SMEs. They also aim to help SMEs to scale through doing business with corporates and governments as well as with their African and global counterparts in ways that foster shared economic growth and empowerment for local communities.
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- Facebook: My Entrepreneurship Journey
- Instagram: @mejpodcast
- Email: lifuo@mejpodcast.com
- Website: https://mejpodcast.buzzsprout.com
MEJ Podcast was ranked by FeedSpot as one of the Top 25 South Africa Entrepreneur Podcasts on the web.